More About Us

Inspiration center is a place for parents, professionals and people to exchange information, share experiences, and discover resources and obtain help for the disabled children with mental disabilities with a focus on hyperactive individuals.

We are continually expanding this web site. You will find an extensive amount of information on many social and communication disorders, particularly Hyperactivity, the challenging behavior.

'Inspiration' aims at upliftment of the poor & oppressed, the destitute and the neglected and those who have been gravely psychologically affected by the tensions of modern life. Their rehabilitation and bringing them back to mainstream of life is our target.

We aim to educate parents and families of the disabled in providing an encouraging, nurturing environment for the disabled children, their brothers and sisters.

For this we have done a number of programmes to educate awareness among the public on the causes of developmental disability and possible preventive measures, thus undermining superstitions and a mis-guided religious mindset, and to consequently building a scientific outlook on the problem..

Focussing on undesirable attitude and rejection of the disabled is part of our advocacy work


On turning to professionals for assistance, we found an institutional trend developing. We find the need to strike a balance between professionalism, institutionalization and community involvement. Problems faced are as follows:

  • Lack of sufficient space
  • School being on 3rd floor creates problems of movement for students. Large number of students are there in waiting list for this particular problem.
  • Need for a vocational training unit.
  • Lack of sufficient funds on a monthly basis to employ more specialists, who are mostly giving us free service on a part time basis.

Our expansion plans
In addition to the information posted on this site, we would be providing

  • A comprehensive list of available material related to these conditions.
  • The Calendar of Events to notify the conferences and workshops which the center would be organizing or be associated with.
  • A Bulletin Board for visitors to this web site

Our goal is to be "your information source". INSPIRATION is constantly working on the development of a major public awareness campaign to increase recognition of these disorders focussing on hyperactivity. It is our hope, in cooperation with individuals and groups at the local level, to provide a nationwide awareness of this challenge by targeting the young women who we believe can make the difference in the future.


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